How to Train for a Half Marathon
Key ways to push yourself in training for your best half marathon results. The half marathon is a hard distance. Double-digit miles are no joke. So, you can’t fake your way through training. Runners sign up for a half marathon without urgency to train. They know they can “finish” the race. So, they don’t…
The Secret to a Faster OCR Carry
The OCR carry is the most grueling part of any race. The mixture of race fatigue, a heavy sandbag, and technical trails seems unfair. The bad news: An OCR carry will never get “easier.” When you become efficient in a carry, you will be able to push harder. No matter how much you train,…
Hill Training Without a Mountain
How to optimize your hill training routine while without moving to the mountains. The hardest obstacles in an Obstacle Course Race (OCR) are the terrain and hills. Yes, carries are hard. Crawling under barbed wire is exhausting. And failing a monkey bar rig is devastating. But, a mountain with technical uphills and sharp…
Start from the Ground: Better Running Form
Learn better running form with three simple ways to improve your landing. For a while, it was “on-trend” to talk about foot landing and better running form. While working at a Runner Specialty Shop, I talked to a lot of runners. The consensus was a forefoot landing was optimal. Runner’s thought a quick change…
How Meditation WIll Make You Run Faster.
A meditation practice will elevate your running performance, reduce injury, and improve your life. Mediation is on trend right now. Yoga International defines Meditation as: “A precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. It is the means for fathoming all…
Build a Beast Bucket Carry for OCR
How to improve your bucket carry for faster OCR results. The “Bucket Carry” is rough. There is no way around it. A heavy bucket and a steep climb is a recipe for pain. Perseverance and determination can get you through a carry. However, you decrease your suffering with a training plan. Learn to build “carry”…
Learn Pace and Race Fast
Learn pace to reduce injuries, improve progress, and race fast. True or False: During a race the faster, the better. So, the best way to get fast is to run fast, right? You are super smart if you said “true”! But, runners want to push the limits ever freaking run. Jess is…
Running With an Eating Disorder
A Runner, Tastykakes, and Hitting Reset. My Eating Disorder Story My struggle stems from my background as a lifelong athlete. My self-worth correlates to my athletic performance. In high school, I found my passion as a runner. Running is a sport where weight correlates to performance. Not for everyone, but for me 100% the case,…
Why You Need Running Coach
A Running Coach is the Missing Piece of Your Performance Puzzle Here is a secret: Making a training plan is easy. Every running coach will tell you. “it’s science.” Performance running is not new. Best practices exist, and you can read a myriad of resources. Daniels, Handson, Galloway, any Runner’s World mag are…
How To Pick Your Race and Get Results
Pick Your Race to Make This Your Best Season It’s to buck up, pick your race, and register. There is an event on the horizon that is calling your name.It’s time to answer the call! But first, learn what you want and why you want it. Choosing a race is a big commitment. Your race will…